F4S: As attacks from Antifa, from Marxists and from Anarchists continue, as Covid 19 is now spiking in seven states..I'd say it's a good day to earnestly pray. Every day is. Let's talk about prayer, intercession and supplication and better yet..do this. Let's earnestly intercede today.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

As attacks from Antifa, from Marxists and from Anarchists continue, as Covid 19 is now spiking in seven states..I'd say it's a good day to earnestly pray. Every day is. Let's talk about prayer, intercession and supplication and better yet..do this. Let's earnestly intercede today.

May our prayers touch God -- I mean touch our heavenly Father's compassionate heart -- and may he use us and use them to impact this nation for His glory. Let's look to him to respond. 
Rain or shine, whether believers feel like it or not.. no matter what the changing circumstances look like.. their / our faith expressed in biblical worship will ignite the prayers and bring results.. ignite our intercession to move the hand of God. He hears you!

Bottomline.. our crocodile tears, the radical news reports, man's great need and emotions won't move the hand of God. Never have. They indeed move his compassionate heart (God deeply feels for us..), but prayerful faith in Jesus is what moves his hand to intervene! Seems like people are scared and more open to the Gospel.   
God, we thank you for caring, help us be a part of the action, wisely involved in what you are doing ..in your will! Thanks for helping sinners like me. Please use us to plant, cultivate, water and reap so to speak. Thank for bringing us this far in Christ, but we want to grow more. We look to you again for our cities, for our president and for our nation! Please give wisdom, discernment and guidance. Yes, we earnestly pray that you will cause the spreading of the Coronavirus globally to stop.. that you will cause the violence in our Land, all the senseless vandalism, the hatred ..yes the racism (and reverse racism) in Americans (and in others here) to cease. God, we pray in these last days that you'll stop George Soros, the lame GOP RINOs, the evil money-hungry Liberal politicians and others.. from funding this violence we see. God, seven states are now reporting the highest Coronavirus hospitalizations since the pandemic began, but you can change this. You can heal and restore people. Have mercy, turn us back to you in America. We thank and trust you!  
These are definitely not protesters, they are not even rioters! They’re the armed militia of the Democratic party.” ~ Tucker Carlson 
"Minnesota State Rep. Steve Green announced plans to allow ANTIFA and Muslim groups to patrol Minneapolis under what he described as 'Muslim rule'". What is he really saying? Sayin' this: Sharia Law (which is in contradiction to our U.S. Constitution). 
Fact: 900 police officers have been injured or killed since the recent “peaceful protests” started. Of course all black lives matter as do all other lives, but it's the BLM Organization that's Marxist, violent, way off, and hurting the USA. 
I bet.. so to speak.. that many people will sadly be more prejudiced inside (which is totally wrong) after all this rioting (that also is stupid).. than less prejudice inside them. Let’s earnestly pray against this prejudice -- it’s not of God, it's wrong, it's literally of the devil. In Christ, one by one, people can be freed from all that. Anyone can be regenerated, and transformed from the inside out (a.k.a. sanctification).   
All that's been done against the Cops, against innocent business owners, statues, US citizens, the POTUS in DC, and against cities has not lessened the prejudice any of those who have sadly chosen to be racist. 
All the prejudice and reverse-prejudice we've seen (via hateful acts on the streets, or firsthand heard about) or even the unseen too has really just hurt our nation. For way too long! Lord, many are lustful, misinformed, angry, greedy and out looting. Some are attacking our police -- please stop all that here. 

Father God, let Christians and preachers live the life, gain ground, and boldly preach the word, yes like on repentance and biblical faith. 

Let us all brag on Christ -- he is still the Solution and he doesn't change. God, let the pride (hubris, stubborn arrogance), prejudice and blindness cease. Help us watch, pray, obey and live informed. Make us instruments of your peace. 
“We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul..” Hebrews 6:19-20
Father, do help us to hold fast to the hope set before us...
In this time of uncertainty in our lives and our nation, may we Your people be strengthened...
People are scared, unsure of the future, and open to the Gospel like I've not seen before. Grant repentance, revival, and a biblical awakening..again! Pour out your Spirit. Give us extra grace to be and give a clear witness. Where sin abounds, let your grace abound even more. Help us to rejoice, to personally worship, to walk well, and to rest in this certain truth—sure, we have been born again to a living hope because Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Our hope is alive, our inheritance is imperishable..it's kept in heaven! Thanks for the Cross. Do comfort and strengthen our hearts in every good work and word, Lord. (See 1 Peter 1:3-4; 2 Thessalonians 2:16). Now continue on with your own personal prayer as the Holy Spirit leads you.. 
So many people in this great nation are far from You. Help them to find their living hope...
In this season of pandemic, national division, and social unrest.. so many people are seeking for viable answers. Help them.. each person.. to hear the Spirit as He comes to convict them of sin and of their need for righteousness. In Your kindness do lead them to repentance. Lead those of your church to repentance too. Do revive and bring spiritual awakening in our Land! I give my heart and life, my all to you, Jesus. (See John 16:7-8; Romans 2:4). Continue with personal prayer...
Guide our leaders at all levels to make right decisions based on wise counsel not emotions...
With lack of guidance, a nation falls.. individuals stumble and fall. It sadly happens. God, help us walk consistently above reproach and blameless. Help us shine.. reflect your light well. Help us be done with lesser non-needed habits. Help our local and national leaders start seeking you..and do your will. Our churches and church leaders also need you more than ever. Help us seize the day for you. Please provide and guide so none of us slide..back. Lead each of us.. also lead the leaders to turn to trust..to repent if needed. Yes, to humble themselves and seek Your help first, for You are still wonderful in counsel and excellent in (godly, not worldly) wisdom. Help us with a sense of urgency.. help them to make wise decisions. Bless and show us / them the good and right thing to do. Lord, you are worthy of praise and we believe in you. We are here for you, come and do what you do, set our hearts (on-fire) towards you. Yes, do wonders anew. We need you to move..need a move of God. We believe, we love, trust, honor and worship you! No spiritual compromise! (See Proverbs 11:14; 2:3, 9-10). Continue with personal prayer...
Comfort the hurting and bring order to our chaos, peace to our hearts...
People are still dying from this strange acting Covid 19 virus (it looks like it was made in a lab), and they're dying from the violence of racial unrest. It breaks your heart! So much pain and loss, so much inner hurt, so much confusion out on our streets.. so much grief, unbelief and hopelessness! Turn us, Lord. Yes, there too much chaos--we want none. So much indecision, fake news and divisiveness here. But sovereign Lord, in Your mercy do bring healing, restoration, peace, order, and a godly calm on our streets. Prince of Peace, let your Kingdom come, let your will be done..to bring peace to wayward hearts. Savior, you can move the mountains, move in us your Church. Be Lord in our homes too. O God, you're still mighty to move and save -- you arose out of that hole in the ground, yes conquered that grave! Shine the light (through us) and let the whole world see, yep, for the glory of you.. our risen King. We pray against Sharia Law that elites allow and Globalists want -- it so contradicts our U.S. Constitution and the Bible. (Psalm 103:3; Psalm 25:6; 2 Thessalonians 3:16). Continue on with your personal prayer...
Provide for those who are losing jobs and businesses...
Have mercy, Lord. We pray for the many who have lost jobs, lost income from investments, and lost businesses. We pray they will know you intimately as their Savior, Helper, Equiper and Provider.. who is always ready to help any of us. May they come to You in faith and ask, for there is no limit to what You can do or provide. Help them to believe and obey. (See Psalm 46:1; 5; Psalm 147:5; Luke 1:37). Continue with your own personal prayer...
Help people to take the continuing threat of the Coronavirus seriously but not freak out due to media lies...
Lord, factually in some parts of our country the infections are rising—in part because many are disregarding biblical and government recommendations and guidelines. But we look to you, Lord. Help them to see that they are putting many people at risk and then lead them..and us to submit to delegated and direct authority. We submit to you. We pray for our flawed human authorities here (we always want to submit short of sinning), because that's totally the right thing to do. (See Romans 13:5). Continue on with earnest, urgent, zealous personal prayer...
For those with mental health issues made worse by the crises that continue...
Help the homeless people and those with homes too.. who are now struggling with mental health issues.. or who are in recovery from drug and alcohol abuse. Many have had treatments and support groups cancelled, but there are some church doors open. Some personally.. via bad or local selfish political choices.. have canceled them. Please draw the lost into your Kingdom and church; may the saved people find shelter beneath Your wings. You can do anything, Jesus. Also please help my two oldest sons (soldiers from Iraq) to get a grip on you and your will. Thanks for your unchanging agape love, Lord (John 6:44; Psalm 61:4). Now continue on with your personal prayer all through the week as the Holy Spirit leads you.. Yes, in Jesus’ name, amen.
“One of the great problems in prayer.. is the problem of varying emotions. If I prayed only when I felt like it, I would pray very little. ..The will is the key! ..With my will I can choose to pray and my will throws God’s will into gear and I pray in his power!” ~ Jack Taylor
The Holy Spirit can daily help us claim Bible promises and unselfishly pray as Jesus would pray. The Bible says, “As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.” Psalm 103:13
Trust that your prayers will be effectual.. in Christ. Go for it, for Him first. Sure, but if you're not sure if you're born again in Christ, in his will.. then come to him now.. humbly, honestly..or just come back to him now.. and then all your intercession will impact lives for his glory. God delights to use his people.
Watch and pray today. Facebook.com/shareJesus .. Fish4souls.org .. @kurtwVs