F4S: Who Me A Soul Winner?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Who Me A Soul Winner?

Fishin'—It Oughta Happen Without Constraint In And Outside Of The Four Walls!

I've got some great Christian friends in North Texas who are goin' for it! I'M GRATEFUL! Some are new believers starting to verbally witness to loved ones and others are seasoned veterans hungry to learn more. And they are filled with joy, telling their friends--they are fulfilling the Christ's Great Commission! I benefit gobs from hearing their stories and seeing their infectious zeal.

Some of their healthy churches are just overflowing with excitement now and with praying new converts due to the Christian's faithful seed-planting, watering and reaping of new people into God's Kingdom. The young pastors are exampling soul-winning fervor and so are the their hearers. Yup, God is using these people together in a natural way.. with their friends to get the job done right. It's wonderful! If one Christian doesn't feel ready to lead their partying-sinner-friend to Christ in the midweek somewhere around the town… away from the flock.. they simply bring their buddy into the sheep-shed during a red-hot ROCKING Bible-loyal service for more support and words of encouragement so that their Christian friends or pastors there might close the deal so to speak. Not all make a decision that day, but countless are doing that.

Nothing wrong with that! Liney and I just love it! Can you think of any more important task among people on this planet?

Some of these young people want more basic ideas on how to successfully shine the light of Jesus in a dark world that is quickly growing darker.. so they can win people while they can. So here are some ideas I just jotted down today. Maybe they will also help you some...

Who Me—EvanGELAAASTIC? By Kurt von Schleicher

Have you ever envisioned yourself being used of God in an evangelistic but non-strange way? Purhaps you've wondered how you could become successful and fruitful in witnessing for Christ?

There's an old hymn that I just love that goes like this: "Lord, lay some soul upon my heart and love that soul through me; and may I humbly do my part to win that soul to Thee."

Is that what you want? Then be faithful and abide in Him. Jesus lovingly commanded His disciples, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men" (Matt. 4:19). Are you His disciple today? You can be. But what are the implications of His words here? It's this… if we are really following the Lord, then we'll be fishing for people (a.k.a. soul-winning) and doing that for the purpose of glorifying God and seeing Him use us to win them to righteousness. The topic of Jesus' last words should be one of our first concerns among all concerns. They were, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations" (Matt. 28:19). That is dealing with personal evangelism plus further friendship building.

The Christians in the New Testament sought the Lord daily, they lived the life by the Spirit's power and they went everywhere, preaching the Word to see people repent and believe (Acts 8:4).

1. Ask God to give you a deep supernatural heart-felt concern for others that will move you with evangelistic passion. Ask Jesus to give you His sight and perspective. Request of him in prayer, to help you see the people in the world just like He sees them, and to lay upon your heart a burden for at least a handful of people for whom you can earnestly pray and speak to. Pray over those people by name every day. Keep a little prayer list if you need to, and pour out your heart to God asking for an opportunity—an open door of utterance where you can reach out to them with the Gospel.

2. Choose to work on the construction crew rather than on the demolition derby relationally—be a bridge-builder rather than a wall mason or grenade-tosser with others. If you are "saved," then God wants you involved with a healthy Christ-exalting church that is reaching out and serving sinners. God loves us all the same, but only those who have made reservations in advance through faith in Jesus ...will be allowed entrance into Heaven. And God delights to use them (each one of us) on earth before they arrive there in Heaven. When the Lord shows you people needing Christ, seek to tactfully build a relationship with them. Don't be pushy. Be a real friend rather than just going after a scalp.


