F4S: Explore around this world with the Lord -- bring others with you. To Him.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Explore around this world with the Lord -- bring others with you. To Him.

Travel on purpose.. the highest purpose for the most high. 

Go tell. Sail away, travel.. not just going to escape per se, or going to go (in vain, doing a geographical merely for self). Ask the Lord.. what's the top purpose planned.. the purpose that was and is specifically meant for me. What gifts should I receive, cultivate and employ for Your glory as I go?

1. Be vigilant, awake, alert -- prethink and think soundly some more. Muse on the truth of the Word. Repeat out loud, memorize the Scriptures..especially in the areas where you are weak.   

2. Consider all that's around you. Sure, those people, those plants, those animals and settings around you. Walk with Jesus leading you..circumspectly. Be wise, strong, growing in the grace and knowledge of God. Give thanks for the ground beneath your feet ..and that you're still able to get around on it some. Express your gratitude to the good God who made it for you to enjoy. 

3. Slow down perhaps. Lots of stuff is interesting here -- look closer. Pause. Pray a sincere prayer as you do.. short or longer. God what do you want me to learn, where do you want me to go..and why? Please use, keep and be glorified in and through my life.  

4. Alter your course, your attitude, your thinking and habits.. alter em from the world's way of thinking to what's found in the Word. Alter your schedule perhaps. Ask Him about whatever needs be changed, removed, put in..set in order so that you can be in the will of God. Doing what He wants is imperative ..how, when and where is all important. Tone and timing matter. 

5. Observe for longer periods and for shorter too. Where can I help people in a practical sorta way? 

6. Listen up, focus on, reach out.. really hear their hearts and their stories. Ask some good intelligent diagnostic and other types of questions. Enjoy being with em, hearing God and the people ..to better understand those around you. Think about some Bible verses that might apply to their individual needs or challenges. Enjoy meeting new people too. Dialogue with (the people in) your environment, (address, notice, navigate), dialogue (I only talk to the animals to set them at ease some, not as worship of em). Meaning simply relate healthy your surroundings..for the purpose of getting around well where you need to go visit. I don't mean with the environment making idols of the objects, rocks, peeps, nature or any animals there. Duh! Who needs more spiritism among us? No one.


Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them." 

Yep, "Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.

I'm always peeking about. I've had people mention to me that it irritates them. next time I'm leaving them at home. jh