F4S: Freely you have received, freely give. This is a good season for that.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Freely you have received, freely give. This is a good season for that.

I'm not at all in an ideal spot to hunt–n–peck this out on a mobile device but who cares?

OK, God cares.

Why be "out on the take" as so many empty, lonely and fearful souls are doin' when instead you can, of Christ's fullness, go give His love away today?

Ever been around dry sponge kinda people, only talking about themselves non–stop? So graspy, distracted and uber–needy cuz their focus has been all wrong for quite awhile? Hey, it can happen to any of us..... especially this time of year.

Man, we need to pray at home and on the go, to have pity, to have some compassion and also get real with them in hopes of them stopping to refocus on the Lord and His will for their lives.

We don't need to use too many words with em (they might already be hurtin'..), but we do need to use some. True words. Isn't that what you would want? Sure.

You know this. God cares no matter the condition we're in, and so can we care.. in His Son.

We love Him.. and others because He first loved us.

"Our capacity to love others is grounded in God’s love. Any ability of ours to consistently show selfless love for others is primarily a reflection of His love. Any love that comes from us is simply sharing with others what has been lavished on us by Him." ~ Ed Rea

If I'm taking time away from it all to get with God to listen and simply receive from His Word, then I will indeed have.. to give away in His Name. This time of year is about being a blessing to others right? facebook.com/shareJesus