F4S: Often looks good. There is a path so SO many people choose to take that comes off to em as the absolute right one, the best way.. even though it’s far from either.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Often looks good. There is a path so SO many people choose to take that comes off to em as the absolute right one, the best way.. even though it’s far from either.

"There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." Proverbs 14:12
Dead religion does to many saying, "Earn your way in by works, Dear! Do, Do good!" -- never giving you the power to be good or righteous. Today the messages of CNN, MSNBC and of 98% of news networks often do.. pointing people in the wrong direction. The words of JWs, Mormons and other cultists seem right to many. #Ditch #RunDontWalk wisely #TrustJesus #Stick with the #Bible not the influence of bad company. No spiritual compromise, and no excuses, Buckeroo.
There seems to be a new right in my Land.. to never be told anything that offends. What? There is a right to “my truth” (that might not be at all) over any other real overarching truth. There is a right to make God into anyone or thing that you want. Are you yours'? We live in a time when people carefully listen with their eyes and believe they clearly see with their feelings ..so to speak. Weird.
We've seen companies in the USA that won’t allow a person to put a little American flag on their desk cuz that might offend some people here. #PC-runamok! Is that how it is in your Land? We don't worship it!
So many churches and so called Christians simply won’t tell you about the two destinations ahead. You must be born again spiritually.. cuz God says You must be born again (John 3:3).
Many people evade jail that really should be in jail here... but there is a Judge and a real jail that’s more prison than any other jail or prison. You know of this place right. It’s called..Hell.
All have blown it in sin and need to repent. Yeah, cuz there will be a judgement. 
Twice in Luke Jesus responded to sinners like you and me, "I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish." Luke 13:3-5
I really don’t want any going to HE-double hockey-sticks that was made for fallen angels! NO, but many arrogant, rebellious, apathetic.. very stubbornly people will.
“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. For the needy shall not always be forgotten; the expectation of the poor shall not perish forever.” Psalm 9:17-20

Who is the only way into the Father God’s heaven? It’s Jesus Christ and you can be forgiven -- you can know Him today.

Point to and brag on Jesus..not to self or some idol. Tactfully explain the Gospel. Ask the Lord how to reach this people..those around you there.

“This generation listens with its eyes and thinks with its feelings.“ Ravi Zacharias