F4S: Are you kinda hungry for some peace inside, for order, restoration, God's supernatural solace and forgiveness?

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Are you kinda hungry for some peace inside, for order, restoration, God's supernatural solace and forgiveness?

Yes, no other god needed..ever. Jesus is who we each really need as our Friend, Savior and Lord. 
If your nation is in turmoil today due to poor policies, open-borders, gangs etc.. sorry bout that. No matter how many people are committed to and love that old moldy lifestyle.. you can choose to enjoy New Life in the Lord today! 
Don't know 'bout you, but I'm goin’ with NEW LIFE instead of moldy, sin, death and all that which makes for that. 
"Anyone who belongs to CHRIST has become a NEW person. The old life is gone; a NEW LIFE has begun!" 1 Cor. 5:17 

What our nation needs -- it's another great awakening. The Bible says, "Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law." Proverbs 29:18
Jesus is the living word and we all need Him, and His free forgiveness. We need His plan for us, just to be in His will for each of us.
People can know and grow – you can have an assurance inside that’s as sure as the day…even more so. 

This week. A must hear. August 23–25, 2019 – Harvest SoCal

The primary way God reaches people who do not yet know Him is through verbal communication of what’s so. It’s best when not even one half-truth is mixed on in. I like accuracy.
People need to know God’s love and they need to be needed too. God doesn’t really need a thing, but you can use each of us to meet real needs.
How can people hear about Christ unless someone tells them? That someone is supposed to be you! And you can bring a friend..or someone else who will become a friend. 
Pray, tell, invite, bring, fetch. 

Revive, Restore, Reignite Us - Resurrect Our Generation! God can do it.

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. Romans 10:17 (See context)

You were put on this earth for a reason! #HarvestSoCal

And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” Romans 10:15 

How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? Romans 10:14