F4S: He was in the beginning... and He is there for you now.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

He was in the beginning... and He is there for you now.

In the beginning was the Word (that's Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (still is God and Lord).

The same was in the beginning with God (the Father).

All things were made by Him (including you, no accident). #John1Emph.mine

Have you been ripped off, defrauded abused taking for granted. many have been but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother who is able to restore with the locust and canker worm in the palmer worm have devoured.
Do you feel insignificant, worthless, overlooked, unnecessary, unloved, neglected forgotten or clueless as to your gifts and specific calling in this life.
Has your life been like a barren desert so dry, empty and lonely? You're not alone, many people feel like that. But there is the ultimate solution and he has a name.
Would you like to see Jesus give you beauty for ashes the song of joy and praise instead of a spirit of heaviness? He does that--he delights to do that for you because you are his valuable treasure. Be strong, don't be afraid.
"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7
In that order because the Lord gives you the wisdom, grace and anointing to do and to keep doing the latter.
This world has been corrupted by the enemy but there is a day coming when God will come and rule and completely take over his earth and purchased possession. The millennial Kingdom will be a glorious place to live with Christ.
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18
The Word was in the beginning and He still restores. Jesus heals all the hurts of believers. He will indeed. He can really help the downcast and discouraged. 
Who is more loyal than the most loyal (none love you more -- words can't describe how wonderful Jesus really is!!!) -- who is the One with His kind hand on you, believer? 

Check out Psalm 63:8 and Romans 8:28 on God's faithfulness and sovereign hand over His beloved children!