F4S: Enjoy a living hope! Have a real strategy -- pray, plan and apply the word wisely.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Enjoy a living hope! Have a real strategy -- pray, plan and apply the word wisely.

The difference between playin’ to win and playin’ not to lose as so many do.. is the difference between enjoyin' success and lame mediocrity.  How will you proceed.. alone.. or with the Ultimate winner (Christ)?
He really succeeded.. for you. 
Having hope sure beats not havin' it, but think about it.. hope ain't really a strategy and workin' hard ain't really a guarantee of gaining success.
You want true success.. sure you do.. and it's way dif from how many people define that term. You can enjoy it -- it’s for you and God is for you. 
Enjoy a living hope! Have a real strategy.. apply the word with confidence and consistency.