F4S: We each are called to muscular, enduring, robust, vibrant Christianity -- yeah, to Christ.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

We each are called to muscular, enduring, robust, vibrant Christianity -- yeah, to Christ.

Called to Jesus the Strong Victor who never wimps out or quits. It’s a faith and relationship thaaang, not a bailin’ out thing. 

When the nation is again in turmoil.. no matter how many are committed to and love the old moldy life, I'm just gunna enjoy the new! I like NEW LIFE instead of death or that which makes dead!!!!!
"Anyone who belongs to CHRIST has become a NEW person. The old life is gone; a NEW LIFE has begun!" 1 Cor 5:17 
Jesus is still sovereign, and still not mean-spirited or religious!

There should be no place for Racism Prejudice or any hatred of people. One race--the human race. Of one blood. Made from one man -- Adam. See Romans 17

He's not the way the uber-strict religious folk try to make him appear. Regardless of what people think or say.. why quit? There's no time for that religiousity. In the eyes of unbelievers everything that God does is “unfair and unjust,” but God is totally just in all that he does and is. Always has been always will be – you will see. And we must still live it His way..and preach His word in love. It’s what he did no matter the cost, no matter the Cross. 
“God is fair and just; He corrects the misdirected. He sends them in the right direction. He gives the rejects his hand and leads them step by step. From now on every road you travel will take you to God. Follow the Covenant signs; read the charted directions. Keep up your reputation..” Psalm 25 8-14 msg
Have you come to Christ ..as you are willing to turn and trust.. yet?