F4S: Believers have the greatest of all adventures ahead. Does your face and life show it?

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Believers have the greatest of all adventures ahead. Does your face and life show it?

Having a coffee now. I pray that you are really stoked and authentically blessed today--this weekend--like never before. It's a new day and what a privilege we have--for fellowship together, for connection with the One who made us. It's Sunday, not a day to skip church if you can make it to a healthy church! 
We..most of us are free and have a chance to go worship the Lord today. I pray you have a wonderful Sunday church service today with strong balanced Christian friends who can help you if you nee that... yes, a great time full of accurate Bible teaching and even deliverance for those who need it there, and pure edification and peace and anointing that strengthens all the people. Yes I pray God touches your heart in a personal way, and for that for everybody there who hears the Word of God taught.
Seize life in the Son..yes, real life in Christ today, because in many places things can be so precarious during these last days! Sounds kinda scary--Last Days, but I believe these really are the last days. Look around at all that is happening. And so much has accelerated around us as we look to all those Bible prophecies that have been fulfilled.
Be festive and joyful in the Spirit. Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice and give thanks for what God has given you. We are blessed in Him. Eat bread with gusto and gratitude. Listen well.
Make the most of each moment today ..and each day, each month, each year for the glory of God! Do it all His way.. all that God leads you to do with your eyes on the Lord.. do it all chipper, flexible to His lead, and spry. Yes, do His will in His timing and way.. with the thrill of enthusiasm for you have a living hope not a dead one, believer!
You know how an upbeat good attitude goes a long way. Too many bail on that and on closeness with Jesus, but you and I.. let's walk tight with Christ and be red hot on-fire for Him. Then we can give out what we've freely received. We can go lovely go spread our faith as good examples in Jesus Christ as He empowers us to. Let's get our bodies out the door and to a healthy church to worship Him all out in Spirit and in truth. And on the way, here's a cool video that might make you laugh.. it's not a Christian vid per se, but I love the excited enthusiasm and adventure in it--we believers have the greatest adventure ahead! 

"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might..." Eccl. 9/10