F4S: Feelin's ain't everything. They're fickle, but I chose to be happy and I just feel that way!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Feelin's ain't everything. They're fickle, but I chose to be happy and I just feel that way!

Me kinda thinks you'd have to have lived under a rock for a long time ..if haven't clapped along with or heard Pharrell William's popular secular song called, Happy. I haven't heard his other tunes, but what a great sound! And it's still popular today cuz the words really tapped into what the masses are longing for. 

True happiness, joy, and success in this life aren't found in the accumulation of more or better "things."  Nope. It ain't in cutting edge tech or widgets. These three things above are there for you when ya find Jesus Christ—when you worship God finding His specific will for your life ..as well as in simply doing that! Yup. To obey is better than all religious sacrifices and vain busyness. 

I chose to follow and worship the Lord and now I am happy. 

"O clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph and songs of joy!" 47psalm.amp

Can you think of even one greater ministry, activity, or calling in this life than to be a worshipper of God ..on His terms? There just ain't any anywhere. Wanna become happy? You're not one of those with the gift of complaining instead ..are you?
"Applause, everyone. Bravo, bravissimo! Shout God-songs at the top of your lungs! God Most High is stunning.." msg

Been down or somewhat depressed? Want to be happy? Refocus. Give thanks in (not for) all circumstances. Be humble and teachable. Sow to the Spirit instead of to what tears you down. Limit your time with the carnally minded, with those lustfully proud, with the worldly rebelious, with those constantly negative thinkers. Hang tight with those balanced and spiritually minded regarding what the Bible says. Lift your vision. Take your eyes off of you, off of comparing here, off of the lame happenings around you.

"Come, everyone, and clap for joy! Shout triumphant praises to the Lord! For the Lord, the God above all gods, is awesome beyond words.."ltb

Heard it once said that there's a lot of power in negative thinkin', sure there is, as well as found in maintaining a PMA. I know that a good attitude is imperative.

You know that some people trust in positive thinking too much and become very unrealistic, but just ask an athlete about denyin' self.. about 'declining.' Man, I think happiness can FIRST be described by what a believer declines (meditate upon psalm 1) ..and then by what they delight in. In a chapter about the best kind of happiness God talks about deleting, denying, ad declining all the de-edifying junk.

"Blessed is the man who walks NOT in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the Lord."

"Happy" can't be gained by seeking it directly (though that's exactly what many do and want the most..), but happiness will indeed overtake you by seeking something much greater.. first. Happy people think of others, rather than themselves too much. They are more upverted (prayerful) and outverted (which speaks of evangelism and discipleship) than inverted.

"..your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." 6/33mat.nlt

I want you blessed. I want you knowin' the will of God and doing just that - His will. I really want you happy, content, joyful, fulfilled and with all your needs met. Sure, lots of people have enough of Jesus to make em decent, but not enough to make them dynamic. They've settled the Salvation issue, but not the Lordship issue. Please allow Jesus to be Lord of all. Christians that move the world, don't allow the world, the crowd, any fallen minion, or even their fleshly nature to move them. facebook.com/shareJesus