F4S: Got a prob that's beyond you?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Got a prob that's beyond you?

Need to see God do the impossible for you ..or perhaps for someone dear to you? You are not alone. There are others globally who also need God in this way ..every day. 

With scared n scuffed up skin Naaman was not a healthy man. He was a mighty warrior and a shrewd commander of the Syrian army, but he still needed help in a way that no one in his Country could aid him. Then he, via the obedience of faith, saw that his "flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child." —2 Kings 5:14

Want to see happen ..something that only God can make happen? Nothing is too tough for Him. Want to lead someone to Christ? Have you earnestly sought the Lord and asked Him to help.. or to save someone you care about? Are you ready to become part of the answer to your prayer, and go tell what He leads you to speak? Obey and believe Him. Won't be sorry.