F4S: They are feelin' bored while cyber-loiterering, but we can engage them in love.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

They are feelin' bored while cyber-loiterering, but we can engage them in love.

Got some questions. Does anyone know the current count dealing with the approximate number of websites out there in cyberspace (..or how to find it since no company or human is in charge of the www)? Does anyone know how many new sites are created each new day? From some basic observations in doing my own cyber-loitering lately, it would seem like people really want to be heard today (Hey, who wants to be ignored, right?), They hunger for information and to learn. Some people feel a need for attention; others feel bored ..or lonely. Some are wanting to generate more income during these financially volatile and perplexing times as we all watch the Stock Market aggressively roller coaster like never before. Yes, many are looking for new prospects, sales leads and customers to keep their doors open. 

It seems like many strongly desire to get their message out there.. of saving the environment, or their message of some kind of faith, or of a company's new widget, product, and unique vision or promise of what they each can do for you. They want to send the message out far and wide ..fast—they want to influence people into action or hopefully ..positively help the hurting in different ways. 

Some might feel the need to simply "create" and others want to "go on record" with what they really believe in. Yup, "go on the record" with the hard cold facts just like Greta Van Susteran at Fox Newstries to do. Some parents I know want to go long-term on the record ..for maybe their offspring's or grand kid's sake ...in case the next generation might want to go check it out later and be helped. 

Many relatives simply want to stay in touch with their family members and close friends who now live far away. There are so many relocating for employment these days, and that is hard to adapt to with all the goodbyes and rending of close relationships. 

In spite of all the dangers out there on the web, I do praise God for it being there, and for all the other tools that are now available to Christians for building up His Church and relationships with.

It appears that there are literally tens of millions of decent and worthless voices now—coming from both the darkness of the night and from the bright light of day (two unseen worlds are colliding in a fierce battle for the minds and souls of individuals worldwide)—yes, even out there on the Internet these days. They are clamoring, striving, and calling out to you to come join them asap! But our real desire is that they would all join Him asap, before it is literally too late! 

With all the Blogs, popular Digg articles, business and social networks and micro-messaging services like Twitter, instant messaging services, email, wikis, forums …and dozens of other new technologies that I certainly haven't yet heard much about... we all (Christian, Buddhist, Mormon, Jewish, Muslim folk etc) now have an unprecedented ability to communicate and to be heard. So, are we just going to sit around on our blessed assurance and say nothing? Why let the cults beat us to their minds? 

Personally, I want to know the Lord and understand His absolute unchanging truth so much better . I don't pray for, fast, study the Bible, or witness to people as much as my flesh wants me to make people think that I do. I have a ways to go, but Christ is helping me die to the lesser things. I also want to better understand the needs of others coming from all different backgrounds. 

But with all those million of voices crying out daily (many of which really have nothin' to say ..that will help anyone), think about it, they are scrapping, scratching, and clamoring for your full attention ..even if it's just for a minute or two.

They are looking for your friendship, for love, for readership (and I too have given in as of late on Blogger… even though I thought I would never make the plunge. I joined in with that vast Blogisphereuniverse of thought-mixing …sorry if I've ever overwhelmed you, but I'm still trying to get the hang of this thing). 

But there are some decent tools that Jesus wants us Christians using in fishing for souls as we keep the main thing the main thing—closely knowing and following Him, the Chief Fisher of men. I really can't tell you what tools He would have you use, but He can. 

Nets are for casting and for fishing, not decorating and for dust. Bait is for luring and attracting not for munching on as an afternoon snack. Hooks are for lowering and for setting, not for weapons in fighting other fishermen! Sinners are for loving and for winning, not for you to reform or control. You are for Christ in His enterprise and not for yourself or dead religion! —kVs 

...the Gentiles, to whom I now send you, to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me. —Acts 26:17,18 

Mass crusades, to which I have committed my life, will never finish the job, but the one to one will.

—Billy Graham 

Don't be all wimpy and embarrassed to fish for souls quoting Bible verses ..I mean when the timing is right! God's Word is so beautiful, but too many emergent Christians falsely believe this is beyond pious and goes into ugly religiosity. Hey, your own words and opinions won't change lives and neither will mine. While some Christians get all caught up in "charismania" (and I don't mean authentic charisma here)--you know what I'm talking about. They get all distracted and hyper-focused on signs, wonders, dreams, quaking, jerking, gold dust etc ..and again, I'm not against real miracles at all.. you and I want to keep our priorities in order! Remember, there is zero spiritual growth for anyone apart from the Word of God! Lock you eyes on the Word of God and brag on Him more than anything!

It's very late in the day if you will, and we must utilize every tool at our disposal to get the Gospel message out. 

Bloggers, Twitter-ers, social net-workers etc; I double dog dare you to spend some time with your face in the Bible and your knees in the high low carpet. Breakaway from your desktop or laptop puter, steal away from the groups pulling on you. Go get alone with your best Friend daily, with your first-love, and pray for those you befriended on that fios-friendly Mac or PC. Never stoop to worship your puter, games, Xbox no, no; but get your physical person and your family to a healthy Bible teaching church each week and then use your gifts there as well. 

At home, I dare you to boldly inspire individuals, to fish for people, to equip them by lovingly pouring into their lives through sowing good seeds of Bible-loyal thought. God can make you a fisher of all kinds of people worldwide ..one-on-one, and one-on-more-than-one.. in your own neighborhood, in school, at home.. while Texting, while Superpoking and promptly responding to unbelievers in Facebook. Be there for them. Some will want your prayers regarding all that is bugging them. 

Why not? Evangelistic fishing is edifying and takes more guts--it's far more thrilling than fighting in all Halo, Xbox and WoW (World of Warcraft) games put together. So draw in the fishing line for a catch ..if you will. God can use you! Close the deal with your relatives and friends in those chat rooms when you can. Believe for them to get hooked on the spot ..by Christ. They don't call it the "net" for nothin'!

Let's be genuinely sincere, explain and simplify how we say it. 
"When I say to the wicked, 'O wicked man, you shall surely die!' and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand." ~Ezekiel 33:8, nkjv
"The ultimate of the Spirit-filled life is sharing Jesus with others" ~Ron Dunn
"The fruit of the uncompromisingly righteous is a tree of life, and he who is wise captures human lives for God, as a fisher of men—he gathers and receives them for eternity." ~Proverbs 11:30, Amp

Shouldn't life's experiential skill acquisition etc be in more than just the cyber-arena? Do you still get out there and live life where the people are livin' it? You know that isolation is bad for you, but real life can also pass you right on by in a sense ..while you're too busy "socializing" online. #PeopleRMoreImportantThanTools #applyselfcontrol

Heard it said that in this day of tech and networking if you wait 'til you "need it" to start building some #social equity.. it's already too late. Privacy, appropriate margin, relational space, and tranparency are all good. Life-balance, wisely impacting, positively influencing others ..are so excellent. Shouldn't real life happen both outside and inside your cyber-situation? Sure, and perhaps we can take the later with..into the former and the former into the later? #etiquette

"It's ironic that the best and worst thing about #socialmedia are the same thing — the fact that we are always connected." ~ R. Zuckerberg 

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