F4S: Got or Want a Perfect Father?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Got or Want a Perfect Father?

Liney and I had a wonderful time today as I was invited to minister to some long time friends in Carrollton. Great group of people who really know the Word, so I've got to be.. as always.. very careful to be accurate when I seek to build them up. The Lord helped me deal with a missions passage, Psalm 67. LOTS OF FUN! Their lead pastor's name is Carl and we are praying for him, for his wife Cindy, and for his father ...who have all had some health challenges lately. Yes, please do join us in praying for Max, the dad as well. In St. Charles LA, the doctors just found a tumor in his colon that could be cancerous. We are trusting that God will touch Max, this whole family, and the church that Carl leads. Thank you!

Need A Perfect Father?

So you should not be like cowering, fearful slaves. You should behave instead like God's very own children, adopted into his family—calling him "Father, dear Father." Romans 8:15, nlt

You can have the perfect Father today! So whatcha waitin' for? Perhaps you didn't grow up with the most wonderful of all father figures.. or maybe you've grown up and feel that the father you had ..was just excellent! Either way, you can have a good Father who will care for you now.

Personally, I hope you were never hurt, neglected or wounded by your father. I trust that you honor, love, and feel respect your father too, but if not, then God is there for you to help you in every way. He is indeed there to help you either way.

Is your earthly father still alive? Do you have a close relationship with him, where you converse about everyday matters etc?

I am so grateful for the hard working father and mother that I had while growing up. Life wasn't always easy for my family, but I don't ever remember lacking.

What in the world makes you and me feel that we can do without a close conversational kind of relationship with our heavenly Father? Do you mind if I ask you.. Do you currently have a prayer life where you regularly steal away to be alone with your heavenly Father? Man, it's through Jesus Christ alone and through being brutally honest prayer ..in His Name (just talkin' it all through with Him) as you address your Father God.. that we each can come into a personal, intimate relationship with God.

"You received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, 'Abba,' Father"niv

Faith shines brightest in a childlike heart, from a Father who cares.

Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. —Matthew 18:3

It's true! Read more so I can explain...
